Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Once upon a midnight dreary...

So yeah, I'm well aware that a) it's 1.21 in the morning and b) I haven't done any book reviews in over a month. And sad to say, I won't have another post for another two weeks. It's one thing to read a book, it's quite another to write up a review of the book. Needless to say, I have a laundry list of books to review and I promise I'm going to get them all done once my semester is over (again, 2 more weeks till I have a life). Expect reviews of:

- Sacrament: Clive Barker
- Conspirata: Robert Harris
- I am Number Four: Pittacus Lore
- The Lost Hero: Rick Riordan
- The Gunslinger series: Stephen King
- Okay for Now: Gary Schmidt
- Throne of Fire: Rick Riordan

and probably in the next 2 weeks, at least 2 other books (I need something for when I take a break from studying). If you're looking for books to start your summer reading pile, I recommend any of these, especially I am Number Four, Okay for Now, and the Gunslinger series; they're all excellent novels by great authors. And they go pretty quickly, so they're good for rainy days, beach days, whatever days are ahead in the coming weeks. Oh, and Rick Riordan's 3 series are all outstanding, but I definitely would recommend starting with The Lightning Thief and the other four books in his Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, before starting the Lost Hero (subseries) and the Kane Chronicles (The Red Pyramid and Throne of Fire, both modernized novels featuring the ancient Egyptian gods).

In any case, make sure you're picking up books. Can't rest your mind all summer and expect it to function well in the fall! I'll be up and posting again in 2 short weeks!

Wish me luck on finals.... or just take them for me..

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