Monday, February 8, 2016

Coming soon...

It's been a little disheartening that life has pulled me away from this little side project of mine, and it is my sincerest hope that I can put more back into this blog. I'm determined to have at least 1 post per month, which shouldn't be difficult considered I've really jumped back into reading recently (audio books go a long way when you drive at least an hour a day). What I am planning on doing is a full revamp of my blog, but I could use some support and advice in doing so. Anyone who has experience with this is more than welcome to post in the comments with some suggestions for making my blog more user friendly, and a more exciting little corner in cyberspace. :)

1 comment:

  1. Justin,

    I have found that writing about stuff other than book reviews has helped me with my blogging regularly. I use categories to help separate the blog for users. I have categories like poetry corner, book reviews, author interviews, book tours, writerly ramblings, entertainment, and adventures in marketing. Just my two cents! Hope it helps.
